Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Miraculous Escape of the Leuwenthaal East Asia Convoy

This was a test game for Galleys and Galleons, a Ganesha Games product. I was familiar with the basic procedures of the system, so opted for a clash between six ships per side:

1x Flagship (Man'o'war with Flagship trait)
2x 3rd rates (Man'o'war with better boarders but no shooting bonus)
3x Indiaman (per the standard list)

1x Flagship (Man'o'war with Flagship trait)
3x 3rd rates (Man'o'war without the boarding bonus but increased gunnery)
2x Frigates (standard)

The Leuwenthaal convoy has to reach the extrication point on the opposite edge, while the Albionic squadron has to do as much damage as possible.

The ships I used were colour printed images of my own design. They are currently mostly under revision, but I will make them available on Random&Creative on a separate page. 
I pasted the printed and mirrored images on 3mm balsa plates undercoated white. This produces an acceptable 2.5 dimension effect with little work. Then I glued the ships to 2mm balsa bases painted blue, and add the name plates.

Anyway, on to the action, which was quite random!