Each campaign season represents three months. Every fourth campaign turn is rainy season, when no larger actions may take place. The Hill Tribesmen are an NPC faction, they may not advance outside their territories.
Unit Cost table
Line infantry - 3
Auxiliary infantry - 2
Battle cavalry - 4
Dragoons and Hussars - 2
2 Field Guns - 1
1 Howitzer - 2
Each conquering army starts with 15 units, 1 of which must be an artillery battery and 2 of cavalry. Roll 1d12 for each zone and freely distribute defending units. Purchase any further units as per the above.
Once an entire sovereignty is conquered, its remaining army may choose to enter another one's service (except its conquerors).
Fast Battle Resolution
The Skirmish
Roll 1d6 for every two Skirmish type units (such as Chuchugdara light infantry etc.). Sum up the result and add +1 if the player has more of the type than the opponent. The player receiving the higher score is the winner of the Skirmish.
The Cavalry Battle
Roll 1d6 for every two Cavalry type units. Sum up the result and add +1 if the player has more of the type. The player receiving the higher score is the winner of the Cavalry Battle.
The Infantry Battle
Roll 1d6 for every two Infantry type units. Sum up the result and add +1 if the player has more of the type. Add +1 if the player has won either the Skirmish or the Cavalry Battle. Add +3 to the result if the player had won both.
Re-roll any ties in this phase, but never in the other phases.
If the player had won the Skirmish and Cavalry Battle, but lost the Infantry Battle, they may retreat.
If the player had won the Infantry Battle, but the Skirmish and Cavalry Battle is either a tie or a loss for the winner of the last phase, the enemy may retreat.
During a retreat, the losing player must sacrifice one unit of each type (1 Skirmish, 1 Cavalry) for security.
If the player had won the Infantry Battle, but the Cavalry Battle and Skirmish were tied, this player also loses two Infantry units.
If none of the above applies, and...
the enemy had won all three phases, 50% of the army is lost.
the enemy had won two phases, 25% of the army is lost.
the player had won two phases, the enemy army loses 50% and retreats.
the player had won all three phases, the enemy army disintegrates.
Starting Alliances and Foes
Böhnstadt is allied with the Chuchugdara, and hostile towards the Rajah of Kustur.
Glambria is allied with the Opal Empire, and hostile towards Mudras and the Albionic colonies.
Yün Fei is hostile towards the Northern Kingdom.
The Albionic colonies are allied with Mudras and hostile towards the Northern Kingdom and the Inner Kingdom.
The Inner Kingdom is hostile towards all neighbors.
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