Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What the Flossians Learned

With trouble looming to the east, the humbled and humiliated Flossian Union now watches over the internal dealings of her neighbor, the Principality of Schultze-Böhnstadt, with renewed interest.

The Flossians know that a large part of the Böhnstadt Army was sent to support the Rebels with their ongoing fight against Medvetland. They also know that General von Hohenspitz, now well past his seventieth year, has finally retired and there is no true replacement for a character like that.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Rebel Lands Campaign, Episode 6: A Chance Encounter

Dietrich von Spülge had a hard week. He had to rally the north-western Rebel countryside to draw more troops to supplement his own. He finally managed to gather a force large enough to begin maneuvers on the Medvetland Corps of Observation. 

His army camped near Ebugatta Crossroads, a junction between the northern cities and the southern plain of the country, when his outriders reported that the Medvetland force was within a day's march, and very much stretched thin. It was the chance of a lifetime for von Spülge to prove himself. He ordered the army to march out and intercept the enemy.

The next dawn his army was arrayed across the road next to a minor settlement called Komlóverő Major, and the head of the Medvetland column, tired after forced marches, had to accept the fight.