Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Rebel Lands Campaign, Episode 7: The Last Ditch

It was already June and the Medvetland offensive stalled. Prince Bukolevich did expressly forbid his troops to bother the civilans of the occupied areas, but he could do nothing against the depredations of the Cossacks, which resulted in a civilian insurgency right behind his back. 

Many old Rebel villagers recalled the times of The Great Cat, Prince Ferencz Rákóczycza of Transsylvania, and retrieved their war axes and ancient flintlocks to fight the invader.

The Observation Corps had lost almost all their cavalry to Dietrich von Spülge, and were on the retreat to a fortified camp north-east of Ebugatta Crossroads, where they lingered for a while after their defeat, Spülge's detachment was growing day by day, after news of his victory reached the Rebel capitol. His objective of keeping the north road to Pesth safe was fulfilled, so he used the spare time to train the freshly formed regular Rebel battalions to an acceptable standard.

Having no chance but to strike forward, Bukolevich now attempted to encircle and surprise Herbert von Plischke's main Rebel army. Thus he would have driven a wedge between the two major Rebel armies, and in a while would force them to give battle separately. But as he was shadowed by enemy outriders all the time, he lost the initiative: the southern Allied forces countermarched and met his outside the small agrarian town of Kecskémet.

Herbert von Plischke had positive premonitions about the day's outcome. His Rebel allies were motivated and learned the tools of military trade well since their last encounter with the Bear. The relationship with his Rebel subcommanders was also good. Bukolevich's intentions were learned of and countered in time.

The battle started with a strengthened Medvetland pincer move against their flanks. Still they did not learn their lesson, von Plischke remarked. The Böhnstadt cuirassiers and Rebel hussars were without peer on an open field, and made short work of the green-coat enemy cavalry. 

On the right, Bukolevich failed to probe the terrain ahead, and his horse ran into the irigation ditches and palisades on the outskirts of Kecskémet. The infantry battalions bivouacked there made a heroic stand, and, although the cavalry brigadier at their head tried to extricate his units in good order, disciplined musketry turned their retreat to a rout.

Bukolevich now cast his center at the enemy lines akin to a hammer blow, but after a fierce exchange of volleys and bayonet charges, his troops were bloodied and fell back. Von Plischke was content, observing the scene from Kecskémet's bell tower: he did not think there would be another attempt made on his lines that day.

However, the steadfastness of the Medvet soldier and the stubbornness of Bukolevich, grasping at any opportunity to force the outcome, was almost his ruin. The Medvetland infantry regrouped, and, led by the famous Pilavgrad Grenadiers in their brass mitre hats, made a disciplined attack on the fatigued Rebel first line, sweeping it off the field with heavy losses.

It was now up to the Allied second line, with its heavy position batteries, to turn the battle in their own favour. Soon the large twelve-pounders barked up, and in a hail of canister and supporting musket fire, the Medvetland advance halted. The enemy foot, making a good example for their mounted comrades, made an orderly retreat to the safety of the edge of the field, and halted there in the cover of the woods.

'Master gunner, cease fire', von Plischke gave the order to the ensign next to him, and the man hung a large red banner from the bell tower which could be seen even over the smoke the cannon made.

The Medvetland encirclement on the Rebel capitol had by now obviously failed; it was time for a cease-fire and then talk of peace terms.

The small town of Kecskémet is on the allied right flank.
The other two areas are featureless.

Allied OOB
Left - KR1 (Elite), 2x Average Hussars, total VP = 10
Center - 1x Elite Infantry, 1x IR3 (Average), 2x Average Rebel Infantry, total VP = 10
Reserve - 2x Elite Artillery, 1x IR4 (Average), 1x Average Rebel Infantry, total VP = 10
Right - 3x Average Rebel Infantry, total VP = 9

Medvetland OOB
Right - 3x Cavalry (Average) - Total VP 9
Center - 4x Infantry (Average) - Total VP 8
Reserve - 1x Artillery (Average), 3x Infantry (Average) - Total VP 8
Left - 3x Cavalry (Average) - Total VP 6


Allied left: A(9)=19, M(6)=15, Medvetland cavalry routs
Allied right: A(10)=19, M(9)=15, Medvetland cavalry routs
Center: A(K)=20, M(J)=18, Medvetland center routs

Medvetland commits center, removes 1 Average Rebel infantry
Medvetland reserve vs. Allied first line: A(7,9)=24, M(K,K)=28, allied center routs
M reserve v A reserve: A(9,4)=23, M(7,4)=21, Medvetland reserve is routed

Result: major Allied victory

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