Monday, March 17, 2025

Primer Day in Schultze-Böhnstadt

Sometimes I find it easier to batch prime a lot of figures, stash them away and paint them in smaller groups. This is especially effective for 6mm figures.

During COVID I had to liquidate most of my collection and only recently did I get back to buying new stuff: this included a 900+ figure order from Commission Figurines (top service, by the way). This is the first lot, all of the Schultze-Böhnstadt funny hat figures sans two units of foot I already completed.

These are lasercut MDF figs, so first I glue them on popsicle sticks and prime them with PVA, this seals the wood for the following layers. Then I hit them with a VMC Flat Brown undercoat and a bright brown drybrush. All I have to do then is pick out some details with a pointy brush, and from a distance they look just all right.

I'll base these figures for Maurice, a single unit of 24 foot or nine horse on a 75x25mm round cornered base (or 30x25mm for artillery). Later on I'll combine two bases to form a unit. Maurice sort of requires an interplay between a unit's bases for example when changing formation, but that can be easily overlooked. 

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