On the following morning, Elector Michheim devised his battle plan.
His centre consisted of the large body of foot he had at his disposal. These were very low quality troops.
The centre of the forward line was the large Losenburg battalion, behind it the similarly large Militia battalion that had no firearms. To their right stood one ragged Landwehr unit of two companies and the guns in the second line; West of these again two Landwehr units. The rest was equally distributed on the left centre.
On the far left flank stood one Dragoon unit, on the right, below the walls, two.
Von Hohenspitz conducted a reconnaisance mission earlier with a Freelancer troop and decided to form a standard battle line, the 1st Prinzipalitär's five battalions in the first and the 2nd's three and the Eugen Jäger in the second. Two large amassed bodies of horse were sent on the flanks, the regulars (one unit of Leibdragoner and Annelise Cuirassiers on both flanks, plus the Garde on the left) were supported by the light Freelancers further outwards. The general wished to hold the two ends of the Flossian line in a pincer then deliver the fatal blow with his superior infantry.
The battle began with the cannon opening fire on each other. The Flossian guns' shot fell short and landed between the 1st Regiment's ranks. The first Böhnstadter battery returned fire towards the enemy cannon while the 2nd battered the first enemy line in the centre.
A little while later the Böhnstadter cavalry moved out and confronted the Flossian dragoons. The right flank gave way quickly but the left held out. Nonetheless, the two main lines became unbalanced. The Böhnstadter main attack swung to the right from its left end and rolled the Flossian defense up. At the first signs of disorder the green Union troops ran away, and in an hour the Landwehr brigade had been totally dispersed. Elector Michheim escaped, carried off by a fleeing dragoon company. Most of the troops ran away too as von Hohenspitz did not pursue. The bishop's delayment tactics seemed to work for a while, but now the Flossian hinterlands are in danger...
While a lot of men were wounded on the Böhnstadter side, most of those were minor and losses were thus minimal. The 1st regiment's Grenadier companies suffered a great deal.
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