While the victorious Schultze-Böhnstadt Heer walks a march of glory like ancient imperators of Rome, enlistment begins in the Flossian Union to bring up the ragged army to its original strength.
These first troops now form a mixed division instead of the usual infantry and cavalry brigades: two regiments of foot with seven battalions altogether, three battalions of Jäger, three unit of Cuirassiers and Dragoons each. The captured artillery ordnance is also replaced by Rückelburg foundries. The council of electors also hired the famous Hussards Bleus, a Glambrian unit that has been 'touring' the continent since the Varangian Wars, recruiting only the most battle-hardened cavalrymen for a rich pay.
Both heavy and light cavalry arms were destroyed at the second battle of Spülge: while most prisoners were allowed back to the Union, and a troop of Dragoons escaped the prisoner camp, the Böhnstadter kept the horses which were superior to theirs. Luckily enough most horse breeders' herds were not exhausted as the army was only building up reserves when it got beaten on the field. These three Cuirassier 'wings' form one over-sized regiment.
The large combined light and line infantry block would serve as a center force of the army; more such brigades would be created using the pool of now experienced Landwehr units and NCO corps from the defeated, but relatively intact experienced foot.
The Jäger companies usually consist of border guards and woodsmen volunteering for service. In the previous war, these irregular units played a very little role. Both the Flossian council of war and the Böhnstadter generals believe now that they're a valuable asset to their armies: along with irregular cavalry, they screen the advance of the main battle line, acting as a smaller army before the real one.
The foot battalions are organized into two regiments of three battalions plus a combined grenadier battalion used as reserve.
The Hussards Bleus in their fancy uniforms. The cavalry corps did not want to incorporate this unit to their ranks, so they serve as part of Elector Strutzenheim's private army.
While using Dragoons as traditional shock cavalry, their unit structure is still that of infantry: a battalion of three companies forms a cohesive unit. Three such battalions form a Dragoon regiment. Most of the experienced riders were redirected to the heavy cavalry, so the Dragoon arm now requires a lot of training before being able to serve on the field.
The artillery battery cost the treasury no money as engineers and smiths volunteered to build them and the Rückelburg mayor's office paid for both the barrels and carriages. These are well-made guns, and the war council intends to make up for their mistake of not giving enough cannon to the field brigades and keeping them in the forts instead.
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