Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Böhnstadt Muster

His Highness the Princeps Erhard Berthold of the house of Jazygia, fresh recipient of the Great and Knightly Order of Schultze-Böhnstadt, awarded by the High Chamber of the Schultze-Böhnstadt Diet for his actions leading the Karrotenbad detachment in the previous war, reviews his troops which are present near Böhnstadt Castle.

Princeps Erhard Berthold leaves the château and is heading for the parading ground right across the Böhnstadt highway.

Two regiments of infantry with eight battalions, eight units of cavalry (some are single-squadron, while others have multiple squadrons); three battalions of Jäger and the Royal Artillery Battery of four guns are present.

The 7th Karrotenbad received new blue uniforms. The reason behind this decision is yet unkown to most of the members of the court.

The revered two cuirassier regiments and the dragoons of von Spülge's brigade.

Two units of hussars. Their commander has been killed in the campaign, and no fresh one has been appointed yet, something the Princeps will have to resolve soon.

The artillery was given new carriages and the Jäger received more uniform vests, medium grey with green turnbacks. 

The losses being replaced, it is a time for the army to rest and then more elaborate training can begin to bring battlefield tactics up to date.

I have 'completed' both German armies again. I have added highlights to every unit. There is no separate shot of the 1st regiment because they retired to camp and the one shot I took was very blurry. You can see their back sides on the panoramic photos at the beginning of the post.
A single layer of highlight visibly improved the armies' looks. The difference is most apparent with the lately and hurriedly finished units such as the red-coat dragoons of Schultze-Böhnstadt. 

This also helped me to review the state of these armies. They are quite large but for the sake of diversity I might add a few more units: I'm thinking about AWI Highlanders as 'mercenaries', and, of course, some fusilier units, plus grenadiers with bearskin hats for the Flossians.
The first half of the Varangian army was presented over at Random&Creative, and I'm waiting for the next Baccus order to bring them up to full force (well, they, too, are probably going to need more infantry). When the army is complete, there will be a presentation featuring them similar to this one.