The Count of Calvacasa now has a solid power base in the north, with all three strongholds held in rebel hands. Now the following measures must be taken, as addressed by the war council:
- Civilian support for the liberation effort. Without the help of the populace, the army shall not succeed. This may be gained by making Schiavona legislation null and void, and let each municipality resort to their own costumes and local laws. The old Calvacasa Code may also be reinstated. Fortunately the treasury has enough gold still to alleviate some of the more burdening taxes as well. This worked in Civita Maria and should work in the countryside.
- The training of volunteer and depot battalions. Although no catastrophic loss occured yet, it is always better to prepare for the worst. As before, the Count does not wish to resort to levies though, and the suggested number of regulars moving against him does not require it either.
- Training a new officer corps. 'Civilian' officers of town&country militias suffice for a while, but soon it will not be enough. The war council will take great pains to train not only the men but their leaders as well.
- Mercenaries. The fierce Glambrians worked well for the rebel cause, and now it seems that a few Schultze-Böhnstadt Freikorps also wish to join them.
- Meeting the enemy head on. Once the rebel army grows a thousand strong, the confrontation may not be avoided any more. The Schiavona regulars will not dare the mountain passes, but they hold the broadest one on the royal highway, so that is the most likely place for a pitched battle.
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