Thursday, December 19, 2019

Moijeame, Glambrian 74-gun ship of the line

After the two elderly warships follows a very much modern one. This is the flagship of the Glambrian West Coast Fleet, the Moijeame. Its name is derived from the odd dialect eastern inhabitants of the Rebellious Provinces speak, and the way they call small monkeys that are part of the fauna all along the southern seaboard of the Kingdom of Glambria. 
(Military relations between the two peoples are common, for example, the entire hussar arm of the Glambrian cavalry was founded by a rebel duke and general from the aforementioned parts of that country.)

Moijeame was recently completed, she has a copper-plated hull and two main gun decks sporting 74 guns. She has a brand new set of sails, and the pennant of the Glambrian Navy flies proudly over her main mast.

The Glambrian Atlantic coast yards are well known for producing ships that are both sea-worthy and good fighting ships.

This is the Heller Le Superbe - a Temeraire-class late 18th century ship of the line that I had for a while, and even used it for my 6mm battles as a gun emplacement. However, the model in that iteration had a few problems, like way too thick plastic ratlines and sitting too low in the water. So I cut it off its base, put a 2mm balsa wood riser underneath the plastic, and replaced the plastic masts, rigging and sails with more natural-looking materials: bamboo, cloth and thread. I think it looks way better now. 

This model is a very fine basis for medium-scale plastic ships, and about half the prize of, say, a Warlord Games Black Seas range single ship (plus nominally larger scale at 1/450, although plastic ship kits are notoriously bad at their scaling). Just make sure not to use the original poor quality masts and sails (I would not recommend this with any plastic kit).